Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
262 lines
; The SenSiv Scrolling Routines
; Copyright 1994 by SiV productions, All rights reserved.
; Copyright 1994 by Tali Streit, All rights reserved.
; Module2
; ▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄
; █ │ │ █
; █ └─┬─┘ █
; █ │ █
; █ │ █
; ▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀
mov bx, moveY2
or bx, bx
js donegY2
and bx, 15 ; do not handle scrolls larger then 16..
shl bx, 1
mov ax, rows[bx]
shr bx, 1
add SCRorigin2, ax
jmp doposY2
donegY2: neg bx
and bx, 15 ; do not handle scrolls larger then 16...
shl bx, 1
mov ax, rows[bx]
sub SCRorigin2, ax
shr bx, 1
neg bx
add Ypos2, bx
add indexY2, bx ; The 16 counter index thing.
js goUP2
cmp indexY2, 16
jb noYch2
;│ │ ┌── ┌ ┌
;└─┬─┘ │ ├──┤ ─┼─
; │ └── ┘ ┘
mov di, mapX ;┌ update the map pointer.
add source2, di ;│
mov di, SCRorigin2 ;┌ calculate 128 pixels down from origin
add di, 128*320 ;│
sub indexY2, 16 ;┌ Subtract the error term...
mov bx, indexY2 ;│
shl bx,1 ;│
sub di, rows[bx] ;│
sub di, indexX2 ;│
mov si, source2
mov ax, mapX
add si, ax ;┌ point to the right line in the map
add si, ax ;│
add si, ax ;│
add si, ax ;│
add si, ax ;│
add si, ax ;│
add si, ax ;│
add si, ax ;│
; cmp moveX2,0
; jns nodoY2
; sub di,16
; dec si
; DI points to destination place...
; SI pointe to source place...
add si,mapoff
mov cx,background2
call do_row
jmp noYch2
;│ │ ┌── ┌ ┌
;└─┬─┘ │ ├──┤ ───
; │ └── ┘ ┘
goUP2: ; indexY should be negative...
mov di,mapX
sub source2,di
mov di,SCRorigin2
sub di,16*320
mov bx, indexY2 ;┌ subtract error term.....
neg bx ;│
shl bx, 1 ;│
add di, rows[bx] ;│
sub di, indexX2 ;│
add indexY2, 16 ;┌ make indexY usable again....
mov si, source2 ;┌ make si point to top line.
; sub si, mapX ;│
; DI points to destination place...
; SI pointe to source place...
add si, mapoff
mov cx,background2
call do_row
; ▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄
; █ │ │ █
; █ └─┬─┘ █
; █ ┌─┴─┐ █
; █ │ │ █
; ▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀
mov bx, moveX2
or bx, bx
js donegX2
and bx, 15 ; do not handle scrolls larger then 16..
add SCRorigin2, bx
jmp doposX2
donegX2: neg bx
and bx, 15 ; do not handle scrolls larger then 16...
neg bx
add SCRorigin2, bx
doposX2: add Xpos2, bx
add indexX2, bx ; The 16 counter index thing.
js goback2
cmp indexX2, 16
jb noXch2
;└┐ ┌┘ ┌── ┌ ┌
; ├─┤ │ ├──┤ ─┼─
;┌┘ └┐ └── ┘ ┘
inc source2 ; Update the source pointer (map)
mov di, SCRorigin2 ;┌ calculate 128 pixels right from origin
add di, 128 ;│
sub indexX2, 16 ;┌ Subtract the error term...
sub di, indexX2 ;│
mov bx, indexY2 ;│
shl bx,1 ;│
sub di, rows[bx] ;│
mov si, source2
add si, 8
; DI points to destination place...
; SI pointe to source place...
add si,mapoff
mov cx,background2
call do_col
jmp noXch2
;│ │ ┌── ┌ ┌
;└─┬─┘ │ ├──┤ ───
;┌─┴─┐ └── ┘ ┘
;│ │
goback2: ; indexX should be negative...
dec source2
mov di,SCRorigin2
sub di,16
mov bx, indexX2 ;┌ subtract error term.....
neg bx ;│
add di, bx ;│
mov bx, indexY2 ;│
shl bx,1 ;│
sub di, rows[bx] ;│
add indexX2, 16 ;┌ make indexX usable again....
mov si, source2 ;┌ make si point to left col
; dec si ;│
; DI points to destination place...
; SI pointe to source place...
add si, mapoff
mov cx,background2
call do_col
mov bx,Xpos2
add bx,MoveX2
cmp bx,maxXpos
jl _noXwrap2
neg MoveX2
cmp bx,minXpos
jg noXwarp22
neg MoveX2
mov bx,Ypos2
add bx,MoveY2
sub bx,16
cmp bx,maxYpos
jl _noYwarp2
neg MoveY2
cmp bx,minYpos
jg noYwarp22
neg MoveY2
initscroll2: ; this takes Xpos2 and Ypos2 and calculates the rest.
; mov cx,mapx ┌ this is done in initscroll1
; sub cx,8 │
; shl cx,4 │
; mov maxxpos,cx │
; │
; mov ax,mapy │
; sub ax,8 │
; shl ax,4 │
; mov maxYpos,ax │
mov bx,Ypos2
shl bx,1
mov di,rows[bx]
add di,Xpos2
mov SCRorigin2,di
mov bx,Xpos2
and bx,15
mov indexX2,bx
mov bx,Ypos2
and bx,15
mov indexY2,bx
mov bx, Ypos2
shr bx, 4
mov ax, mapX
mul bx
mov source2, ax
mov bx, Xpos2
shr bx, 4
add source2, bx